Our stories and news
MetroCentre Goes Wild with Climate Action North
MetroCentre, the North East’s popular shopping and entertainment destination, has teamed up with social enterprise Climate Action North to advance its green initiatives.
Climate Action North: a new role with rewilding funding
Climate Action North: a new role with rewilding funding
Climate Action North supercharges 'Green June' with events
Climate Action North supercharges 'Green June' with events
Rewilding hope conference celebrates World Environment Day and World Oceans Day
A two-day online conference to share hopeful rewilding stories marked this year’s World Environment Day and World Oceans Day.
Rewilding Marigold: helping dementia residents through art and nature
Climate Action North is delighted to announce a project with a dementia nursing home in Sunderland to rewild their outdoor space and improve access to nature.
Boost for Climate Action North rewilding network
Climate Action North has been awarded a £15,000 grant to expand its rewilding support for landowners, project managers, and local groups across the North of England.
Dare to be wild!
The annual 30 Days Wild challenge celebrates the rich nature on our doorstep by spending a month doing something ‘wild’ every day and appreciating the natural world.
Reframing our attitudes towards ‘weeds’
We understand plants and flowers are beneficial, so what’s the issue with weeds? These unwanted wild plants are sprayed, pulled up, and despised yet they have a critical part to play in our ecological landscape; ‘weeds’ will help reverse the dual biodiversity and climate crisis.
Sunderland security company keeps watchful eye on nature
A Pollinator Parks® garden to support nature’s recovery by supplying a haven for insects and birds has been created at Sunderland Enterprise Park.
Making rewilding happen to shape a better future for all
Climate Action North has secured a lead coordination role for the Rewilding Network in the North of England. Using people power, and the power of nature, the network of rewilders aims to upscale rewilding across Britain.