A visit from Planet Pod

A view of water, a glass building to the right, bushes and power station towers.

We hosted Planet Pod who bring the stories and news behind the headlines from the people who are making positive things happen.

Host Presenter and Co-Founder, Amanda Carpenter, joined us to visit three very different world-leading projects focusing on protecting wildlife and acing sustainability in the North East.

Alongside Sharon Lashley, who acted as her guide, Amanda visited the RSPB’s Saltholme Nature Reserve, a Pollinator Park in the middle of the North East; The North East BIC in Sunderland; and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust’s Washington Wetland Centre.


Then listen in for more…

The time for talking is over. Today we need to act.


Rewilding is going from strength to strength


North East BIC digs in to support Pollinator Parks®