A resilient sponsor for Climate Action North

A card with a colourful drawing of a kingfisher with the words-Kingfisher, sponsored by Resilient Business Systems Limited. Joanne Rowland Wildlife artist.

As a sponsor for Climate Action North, Resilient Business Systems share the view that businesses must work towards becoming more resilient to the climate risks they face both now and in the future to ensure that they can continue to operate in the face of potential disruption.

Resilient Business Systems is a one-stop-shop IT company and apply best practice standards to all their solutions. They listen to customer’s needs and provide a variety of IT solutions and bespoke systems, including protocols and policies to be considered when implementing business continuity plans.

They have been an active supporter of our activities since inception, and have provided sponsorship for our events and conferences that have addressed issues from plastic pollution to rewilding, and also worked strategically with us providing advice and guidance on projects to support the business community.

We’re delighted to work with Resilient Business Systems.

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, get in touch.

The time for talking is over. Today we need to act.


Climate Action North celebrates third birthday


Blooming brilliant meadow for Dalton Park